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Lean Management Implementation

Lean Management address the gap between day-to-day or hour-to-hour management and a Lean approach of a conventional production or office routine.


Eliminating waste with a Lean transformation is comprised of concepts that are simple to grasp.  However, if the appropriate monitoring tools aren't put in place and embraced by all levels of the organization the enterprise tends to shift back to "the way it's always been done around here".

Lean Management Implementation
Tools to Sustain Lean Conversion

We engage to implement the tools to sustain Lean transformations and then train all levels of the enterprise from Team Leaders, to Supervisors, to Area Managers, to Plant Managers how to use them to:


  • Minimize waste

  • Eliminate reliance on tribal knowledge

  • Save the cost of hidden factories

  • Stop micro-interuptions

  • Increase profitability


Through the use of visual controls, a standard accountability process, and leader standard work we aim to make production predictable and boring.


However, the benefits from this process are not limited to the production floor.  We've been successful using the same thought process to create departmental SIPOCs (supplier, input, process, output, customer) and order-to-invoice process maps and customizing Lean Management tools to eliminate waste in administrative functions, as well.

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